
TempSure MachineThere are numerous factors that can contribute to temporomandibular disorders (TMD) – including grinding, clenching, abnormal head posture, depression/anxiety, trauma and occlusion. Pain from TMD can arise in the joints themselves, but also the muscles that we use to chew (muscles of mastication). Therapy for TMD often includes occlusal devices (custom night guards) and supportive treatment (physical therapy, radiofrequency treatment). The main aim of treatment is to reduce the tension of masticatory muscles and eliminate or reduce the pain in the muscles and joints.

At Kind Heart Dental, we offer custom night guard treatment and radiofrequency treatment using our TempSure Envi. Radiofrequency has shown to improve blood supply, stimulate a regenerative process, reduce muscle tension and obtain an analgesic effect.

Please call (805) 928-3928 today to make your appointment with our dentist, Dr. Christiane Trigueros and learn more about jaw pain and TMD treatment in Santa Maria, California.

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